const fs = require('fs'); const https = require('https'); const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const options = { key: fs.readFileSync("ssl/private.key"), cert: fs.readFileSync("ssl/certificate.crt"), ca: [ fs.readFileSync('ssl/ca_bundle.crt') ] }; const server = https.createServer(options, app); const io = require('')(server); const PORT = 443; const admins = { 'André': 'passwort' } var users = []; var bannedIps = []; fs.readFile("config/ban.json", "utf8", (err, data) => { if (!err) { bannedIps = JSON.parse(data); } }) app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/www')); app.use('/node_modules', express.static(__dirname + '/node_modules')); io.on('connection', (socket) => { const ip = socket.handshake.address; log('- New user joined the server:', ip); for (const bannedItem of bannedIps) { if (bannedItem.ip == ip) { log('- User blacklisted, kicking:', ip) socket.emit('serverKick'); socket.disconnect(); break; } } socket.emit('serverHandshake'); const user = { ip: ip, socket: socket }; users.push(user); socket.on('login', (username, password) => { if (!username) { socket.emit('usernameInvalid'); return; } for (let user of users) { if ( == username) { socket.emit('usernameTaken'); return; } } if (admins && admins[username]) { if (!password) { log('- Attempted login as admin without password.', username, '(' + ip + ')'); socket.emit('passwordRequired'); return; } else if (admins[username] != password) { log('- Attempted login as admin with wrong password.', username, '(' + ip + ')'); socket.emit('passwordWrong'); return; } log('- Admin "' + username + '" login successful'); user.admin = true; socket.on('requestKick', (userToBeKicked) => { log('- Admin "' + username + '" requested kick of User "' + + '"'); kickUser(userToBeKicked); }); socket.on('requestLiftBan', (ip) => { log('- Admin "' + username + '" requested to lift ban for ip "' + ip + '"'); liftBan(ip); }); } log('- New user logged in:', username, '(' + ip + ')'); = username; socket.emit('serverLogin', getCleanUser(user)); io.emit('userJoined', username); updateUsers(); updateBanned(); socket.on('disconnect', () => { log('- User joined the server:', ip); users = users.filter((listUser) => listUser !== user); io.emit('userLeft', username); updateUsers(); }); socket.on('message', (msg) => { if (msg) { log( + ':', msg, '(' + user.ip + ')'); io.emit('message', msg, getCleanUser(user),; } }); }); }); function updateUsers() { io.emit('usersUpdated', users.filter((user) => != null).map(getCleanUser)); } function getCleanUser(user) { return { name:, admin: user.admin } } function kickUser(user) { let ip; for (const exUser of users) { if ( == { ip = exUser.ip; break; } } bannedIps.push({ ip: ip, user: user }); updateBanned(); for (const exUser of users) { if (exUser.ip == ip) { exUser.socket.emit('serverKick'); exUser.socket.disconnect(); } } } function liftBan(ip) { bannedIps = bannedIps.filter((listItem) => listItem.ip != ip); updateBanned(); } function updateBanned() { fs.writeFile('config/ban.json', JSON.stringify(bannedIps), (e) => {}); io.emit('bannedUpdated', bannedIps); } function log(...inputs) { var output = '[' + new Date().toISOString().substr(0, 19).replace('T', ', ') + '] '; for (const i of inputs) { output += i + ' '; } console.log(output); fs.appendFile('log.txt', '' + output + '\n', (e) => {}); } server.listen(PORT, () => { log('- Server up and running at port ' + PORT); });