using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace TMPro { public enum VertexSortingOrder { Normal, Reverse }; /// /// Structure which contains the vertex attributes (geometry) of the text object. /// public struct TMP_MeshInfo { private static readonly Color32 s_DefaultColor = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue); private static readonly Vector3 s_DefaultNormal = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1f); private static readonly Vector4 s_DefaultTangent = new Vector4(-1f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1f); private static readonly Bounds s_DefaultBounds = new Bounds(); public Mesh mesh; public int vertexCount; public Vector3[] vertices; public Vector3[] normals; public Vector4[] tangents; public Vector2[] uvs0; public Vector2[] uvs2; //public Vector2[] uvs4; public Color32[] colors32; public int[] triangles; /// /// Function to pre-allocate vertex attributes for a mesh of size X. /// /// /// public TMP_MeshInfo(Mesh mesh, int size) { // Reference to the TMP Text Component. //this.textComponent = null; // Clear existing mesh data if (mesh == null) mesh = new Mesh(); else mesh.Clear(); this.mesh = mesh; // Limit the mesh to less than 65535 vertices which is the limit for Unity's Mesh. size = Mathf.Min(size, 16383); int sizeX4 = size * 4; int sizeX6 = size * 6; this.vertexCount = 0; this.vertices = new Vector3[sizeX4]; this.uvs0 = new Vector2[sizeX4]; this.uvs2 = new Vector2[sizeX4]; //this.uvs4 = new Vector2[sizeX4]; // SDF scale data this.colors32 = new Color32[sizeX4]; this.normals = new Vector3[sizeX4]; this.tangents = new Vector4[sizeX4]; this.triangles = new int[sizeX6]; int index_X6 = 0; int index_X4 = 0; while (index_X4 / 4 < size) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.vertices[index_X4 + i] =; this.uvs0[index_X4 + i] =; this.uvs2[index_X4 + i] =; //this.uvs4[index_X4 + i] =; this.colors32[index_X4 + i] = s_DefaultColor; this.normals[index_X4 + i] = s_DefaultNormal; this.tangents[index_X4 + i] = s_DefaultTangent; } this.triangles[index_X6 + 0] = index_X4 + 0; this.triangles[index_X6 + 1] = index_X4 + 1; this.triangles[index_X6 + 2] = index_X4 + 2; this.triangles[index_X6 + 3] = index_X4 + 2; this.triangles[index_X6 + 4] = index_X4 + 3; this.triangles[index_X6 + 5] = index_X4 + 0; index_X4 += 4; index_X6 += 6; } // Pre-assign base vertex attributes. this.mesh.vertices = this.vertices; this.mesh.normals = this.normals; this.mesh.tangents = this.tangents; this.mesh.triangles = this.triangles; this.mesh.bounds = s_DefaultBounds; } /// /// Function to pre-allocate vertex attributes for a mesh of size X. /// /// /// /// public TMP_MeshInfo(Mesh mesh, int size, bool isVolumetric) { // Reference to the TMP Text Component. //this.textComponent = null; // Clear existing mesh data if (mesh == null) mesh = new Mesh(); else mesh.Clear(); this.mesh = mesh; int s0 = !isVolumetric ? 4 : 8; int s1 = !isVolumetric ? 6 : 36; // Limit the mesh to less than 65535 vertices which is the limit for Unity's Mesh. size = Mathf.Min(size, 65532 / s0); int size_x_s0 = size * s0; int size_x_s1 = size * s1; this.vertexCount = 0; this.vertices = new Vector3[size_x_s0]; this.uvs0 = new Vector2[size_x_s0]; this.uvs2 = new Vector2[size_x_s0]; //this.uvs4 = new Vector2[sizeX8]; // SDF scale data this.colors32 = new Color32[size_x_s0]; this.normals = new Vector3[size_x_s0]; this.tangents = new Vector4[size_x_s0]; this.triangles = new int[size_x_s1]; int index_x_s0 = 0; int index_x_s1 = 0; while (index_x_s0 / s0 < size) { for (int i = 0; i < s0; i++) { this.vertices[index_x_s0 + i] =; this.uvs0[index_x_s0 + i] =; this.uvs2[index_x_s0 + i] =; //this.uvs4[index_X4 + i] =; this.colors32[index_x_s0 + i] = s_DefaultColor; this.normals[index_x_s0 + i] = s_DefaultNormal; this.tangents[index_x_s0 + i] = s_DefaultTangent; } // Front Face this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 0] = index_x_s0 + 0; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 1] = index_x_s0 + 1; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 2] = index_x_s0 + 2; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 3] = index_x_s0 + 2; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 4] = index_x_s0 + 3; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 5] = index_x_s0 + 0; if (isVolumetric) { // Left Face this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 6] = index_x_s0 + 4; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 7] = index_x_s0 + 5; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 8] = index_x_s0 + 1; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 9] = index_x_s0 + 1; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 10] = index_x_s0 + 0; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 11] = index_x_s0 + 4; // Right Face this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 12] = index_x_s0 + 3; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 13] = index_x_s0 + 2; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 14] = index_x_s0 + 6; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 15] = index_x_s0 + 6; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 16] = index_x_s0 + 7; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 17] = index_x_s0 + 3; // Top Face this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 18] = index_x_s0 + 1; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 19] = index_x_s0 + 5; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 20] = index_x_s0 + 6; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 21] = index_x_s0 + 6; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 22] = index_x_s0 + 2; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 23] = index_x_s0 + 1; // Bottom Face this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 24] = index_x_s0 + 4; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 25] = index_x_s0 + 0; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 26] = index_x_s0 + 3; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 27] = index_x_s0 + 3; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 28] = index_x_s0 + 7; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 29] = index_x_s0 + 4; // Back Face this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 30] = index_x_s0 + 7; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 31] = index_x_s0 + 6; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 32] = index_x_s0 + 5; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 33] = index_x_s0 + 5; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 34] = index_x_s0 + 4; this.triangles[index_x_s1 + 35] = index_x_s0 + 7; } index_x_s0 += s0; index_x_s1 += s1; } // Pre-assign base vertex attributes. this.mesh.vertices = this.vertices; this.mesh.normals = this.normals; this.mesh.tangents = this.tangents; this.mesh.triangles = this.triangles; this.mesh.bounds = s_DefaultBounds; } /// /// Function to resized the content of MeshData and re-assign normals, tangents and triangles. /// /// /// public void ResizeMeshInfo(int size) { // Limit the mesh to less than 65535 vertices which is the limit for Unity's Mesh. size = Mathf.Min(size, 16383); int size_X4 = size * 4; int size_X6 = size * 6; int previousSize = this.vertices.Length / 4; Array.Resize(ref this.vertices, size_X4); Array.Resize(ref this.normals, size_X4); Array.Resize(ref this.tangents, size_X4); Array.Resize(ref this.uvs0, size_X4); Array.Resize(ref this.uvs2, size_X4); //Array.Resize(ref this.uvs4, size_X4); Array.Resize(ref this.colors32, size_X4); Array.Resize(ref this.triangles, size_X6); // Re-assign Normals, Tangents and Triangles if (size <= previousSize) { this.mesh.triangles = this.triangles; this.mesh.vertices = this.vertices; this.mesh.normals = this.normals; this.mesh.tangents = this.tangents; return; } for (int i = previousSize; i < size; i++) { int index_X4 = i * 4; int index_X6 = i * 6; this.normals[0 + index_X4] = s_DefaultNormal; this.normals[1 + index_X4] = s_DefaultNormal; this.normals[2 + index_X4] = s_DefaultNormal; this.normals[3 + index_X4] = s_DefaultNormal; this.tangents[0 + index_X4] = s_DefaultTangent; this.tangents[1 + index_X4] = s_DefaultTangent; this.tangents[2 + index_X4] = s_DefaultTangent; this.tangents[3 + index_X4] = s_DefaultTangent; // Setup Triangles this.triangles[0 + index_X6] = 0 + index_X4; this.triangles[1 + index_X6] = 1 + index_X4; this.triangles[2 + index_X6] = 2 + index_X4; this.triangles[3 + index_X6] = 2 + index_X4; this.triangles[4 + index_X6] = 3 + index_X4; this.triangles[5 + index_X6] = 0 + index_X4; } this.mesh.vertices = this.vertices; this.mesh.normals = this.normals; this.mesh.tangents = this.tangents; this.mesh.triangles = this.triangles; } /// /// Function to resized the content of MeshData and re-assign normals, tangents and triangles. /// /// /// public void ResizeMeshInfo(int size, bool isVolumetric) { int s0 = !isVolumetric ? 4 : 8; int s1 = !isVolumetric ? 6 : 36; // Limit the mesh to less than 65535 vertices which is the limit for Unity's Mesh. size = Mathf.Min(size, 65532 / s0); int size_X4 = size * s0; int size_X6 = size * s1; int previousSize = this.vertices.Length / s0; Array.Resize(ref this.vertices, size_X4); Array.Resize(ref this.normals, size_X4); Array.Resize(ref this.tangents, size_X4); Array.Resize(ref this.uvs0, size_X4); Array.Resize(ref this.uvs2, size_X4); //Array.Resize(ref this.uvs4, size_X4); Array.Resize(ref this.colors32, size_X4); Array.Resize(ref this.triangles, size_X6); // Re-assign Normals, Tangents and Triangles if (size <= previousSize) { this.mesh.triangles = this.triangles; this.mesh.vertices = this.vertices; this.mesh.normals = this.normals; this.mesh.tangents = this.tangents; return; } for (int i = previousSize; i < size; i++) { int index_X4 = i * s0; int index_X6 = i * s1; this.normals[0 + index_X4] = s_DefaultNormal; this.normals[1 + index_X4] = s_DefaultNormal; this.normals[2 + index_X4] = s_DefaultNormal; this.normals[3 + index_X4] = s_DefaultNormal; this.tangents[0 + index_X4] = s_DefaultTangent; this.tangents[1 + index_X4] = s_DefaultTangent; this.tangents[2 + index_X4] = s_DefaultTangent; this.tangents[3 + index_X4] = s_DefaultTangent; if (isVolumetric) { this.normals[4 + index_X4] = s_DefaultNormal; this.normals[5 + index_X4] = s_DefaultNormal; this.normals[6 + index_X4] = s_DefaultNormal; this.normals[7 + index_X4] = s_DefaultNormal; this.tangents[4 + index_X4] = s_DefaultTangent; this.tangents[5 + index_X4] = s_DefaultTangent; this.tangents[6 + index_X4] = s_DefaultTangent; this.tangents[7 + index_X4] = s_DefaultTangent; } // Setup Triangles this.triangles[0 + index_X6] = 0 + index_X4; this.triangles[1 + index_X6] = 1 + index_X4; this.triangles[2 + index_X6] = 2 + index_X4; this.triangles[3 + index_X6] = 2 + index_X4; this.triangles[4 + index_X6] = 3 + index_X4; this.triangles[5 + index_X6] = 0 + index_X4; if (isVolumetric) { // Left Face this.triangles[index_X6 + 6] = index_X4 + 4; this.triangles[index_X6 + 7] = index_X4 + 5; this.triangles[index_X6 + 8] = index_X4 + 1; this.triangles[index_X6 + 9] = index_X4 + 1; this.triangles[index_X6 + 10] = index_X4 + 0; this.triangles[index_X6 + 11] = index_X4 + 4; // Right Face this.triangles[index_X6 + 12] = index_X4 + 3; this.triangles[index_X6 + 13] = index_X4 + 2; this.triangles[index_X6 + 14] = index_X4 + 6; this.triangles[index_X6 + 15] = index_X4 + 6; this.triangles[index_X6 + 16] = index_X4 + 7; this.triangles[index_X6 + 17] = index_X4 + 3; // Top Face this.triangles[index_X6 + 18] = index_X4 + 1; this.triangles[index_X6 + 19] = index_X4 + 5; this.triangles[index_X6 + 20] = index_X4 + 6; this.triangles[index_X6 + 21] = index_X4 + 6; this.triangles[index_X6 + 22] = index_X4 + 2; this.triangles[index_X6 + 23] = index_X4 + 1; // Bottom Face this.triangles[index_X6 + 24] = index_X4 + 4; this.triangles[index_X6 + 25] = index_X4 + 0; this.triangles[index_X6 + 26] = index_X4 + 3; this.triangles[index_X6 + 27] = index_X4 + 3; this.triangles[index_X6 + 28] = index_X4 + 7; this.triangles[index_X6 + 29] = index_X4 + 4; // Back Face this.triangles[index_X6 + 30] = index_X4 + 7; this.triangles[index_X6 + 31] = index_X4 + 6; this.triangles[index_X6 + 32] = index_X4 + 5; this.triangles[index_X6 + 33] = index_X4 + 5; this.triangles[index_X6 + 34] = index_X4 + 4; this.triangles[index_X6 + 35] = index_X4 + 7; } } this.mesh.vertices = this.vertices; this.mesh.normals = this.normals; this.mesh.tangents = this.tangents; this.mesh.triangles = this.triangles; } /// /// Function to clear the vertices while preserving the Triangles, Normals and Tangents. /// public void Clear() { if (this.vertices == null) return; Array.Clear(this.vertices, 0, this.vertices.Length); this.vertexCount = 0; if (this.mesh != null) this.mesh.vertices = this.vertices; } /// /// Function to clear the vertices while preserving the Triangles, Normals and Tangents. /// public void Clear(bool uploadChanges) { if (this.vertices == null) return; Array.Clear(this.vertices, 0, this.vertices.Length); this.vertexCount = 0; if (uploadChanges && this.mesh != null) this.mesh.vertices = this.vertices; if (this.mesh != null) this.mesh.bounds = s_DefaultBounds; } /// /// Function to clear the vertices while preserving the Triangles, Normals and Tangents. /// public void ClearUnusedVertices() { int length = vertices.Length - vertexCount; if (length > 0) Array.Clear(vertices, vertexCount, length); } /// /// Function used to mark unused vertices as degenerate. /// /// public void ClearUnusedVertices(int startIndex) { int length = this.vertices.Length - startIndex; if (length > 0) Array.Clear(this.vertices, startIndex, length); } /// /// Function used to mark unused vertices as degenerate an upload resulting data to the mesh. /// /// public void ClearUnusedVertices(int startIndex, bool updateMesh) { int length = this.vertices.Length - startIndex; if (length > 0) Array.Clear(this.vertices, startIndex, length); if (updateMesh && mesh != null) this.mesh.vertices = this.vertices; } public void SortGeometry (VertexSortingOrder order) { switch (order) { case VertexSortingOrder.Normal: // Do nothing break; case VertexSortingOrder.Reverse: int size = vertexCount / 4; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int src = i * 4; int dst = (size - i - 1) * 4; if (src < dst) SwapVertexData(src, dst); } break; //case VertexSortingOrder.Depth: // break; } } /// /// Function to rearrange the quads of the text object to change their rendering order. /// /// public void SortGeometry(IList sortingOrder) { // Make sure the sorting order array is not larger than the vertices array. int indexCount = sortingOrder.Count; if (indexCount * 4 > vertices.Length) return; int src_index; for (int dst_index = 0; dst_index < indexCount; dst_index++) { src_index = sortingOrder[dst_index]; while (src_index < dst_index) { src_index = sortingOrder[src_index]; } // Swap items if (src_index != dst_index) SwapVertexData(src_index * 4, dst_index * 4); //Debug.Log("Swap element [" + dst_index + "] with [" + src_index + "]. Vertex[" + dst_index + "] is " + vertices[dst_index * 4].z); } } /// /// Method to swap the vertex attributes between src and dst quads. /// /// Index of the first vertex attribute of the source character / quad. /// Index of the first vertex attribute of the destination character / quad. public void SwapVertexData(int src, int dst) { int src_Index = src; // * 4; int dst_Index = dst; // * 4; // Swap vertices Vector3 vertex; vertex = vertices[dst_Index + 0]; vertices[dst_Index + 0] = vertices[src_Index + 0]; vertices[src_Index + 0] = vertex; vertex = vertices[dst_Index + 1]; vertices[dst_Index + 1] = vertices[src_Index + 1]; vertices[src_Index + 1] = vertex; vertex = vertices[dst_Index + 2]; vertices[dst_Index + 2] = vertices[src_Index + 2]; vertices[src_Index + 2] = vertex; vertex = vertices[dst_Index + 3]; vertices[dst_Index + 3] = vertices[src_Index + 3]; vertices[src_Index + 3] = vertex; //Swap UVs0 Vector2 uvs; uvs = uvs0[dst_Index + 0]; uvs0[dst_Index + 0] = uvs0[src_Index + 0]; uvs0[src_Index + 0] = uvs; uvs = uvs0[dst_Index + 1]; uvs0[dst_Index + 1] = uvs0[src_Index + 1]; uvs0[src_Index + 1] = uvs; uvs = uvs0[dst_Index + 2]; uvs0[dst_Index + 2] = uvs0[src_Index + 2]; uvs0[src_Index + 2] = uvs; uvs = uvs0[dst_Index + 3]; uvs0[dst_Index + 3] = uvs0[src_Index + 3]; uvs0[src_Index + 3] = uvs; // Swap UVs2 uvs = uvs2[dst_Index + 0]; uvs2[dst_Index + 0] = uvs2[src_Index + 0]; uvs2[src_Index + 0] = uvs; uvs = uvs2[dst_Index + 1]; uvs2[dst_Index + 1] = uvs2[src_Index + 1]; uvs2[src_Index + 1] = uvs; uvs = uvs2[dst_Index + 2]; uvs2[dst_Index + 2] = uvs2[src_Index + 2]; uvs2[src_Index + 2] = uvs; uvs = uvs2[dst_Index + 3]; uvs2[dst_Index + 3] = uvs2[src_Index + 3]; uvs2[src_Index + 3] = uvs; // Vertex Colors Color32 color; color = colors32[dst_Index + 0]; colors32[dst_Index + 0] = colors32[src_Index + 0]; colors32[src_Index + 0] = color; color = colors32[dst_Index + 1]; colors32[dst_Index + 1] = colors32[src_Index + 1]; colors32[src_Index + 1] = color; color = colors32[dst_Index + 2]; colors32[dst_Index + 2] = colors32[src_Index + 2]; colors32[src_Index + 2] = color; color = colors32[dst_Index + 3]; colors32[dst_Index + 3] = colors32[src_Index + 3]; colors32[src_Index + 3] = color; } //int Partition (int start, int end) //{ // float pivot = vertices[end].z; // int partitionIndex = start; // for (int i = start; i < end; i++) // { // if (vertices[i].z <= pivot) // { // Swap(vertices[i], vertices[partitionIndex]); // partitionIndex += 1; // } // } // Swap(vertices[partitionIndex], vertices[end]); // return partitionIndex; //} //void Swap(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) //{ // Vector3 temp = a; // a = b; // b = a; //} } }