using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls; using UnityEditor.StyleSheets; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Timeline; using UnityEngine.Playables; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UnityEditor.Timeline { class TimelineTrackGUI : TimelineGroupGUI, IClipCurveEditorOwner, IRowGUI { struct TrackDrawData { public bool m_AllowsRecording; public bool m_ShowTrackBindings; public bool m_HasBinding; public bool m_IsSubTrack; public PlayableBinding m_Binding; public UnityEngine.Object m_TrackBinding; public Texture m_TrackIcon; } static class Styles { public static readonly string kArmForRecordDisabled = L10n.Tr("Recording is not permitted when Track Offsets are set to Auto. Track Offset settings can be changed in the track menu of the base track."); public static Texture2D kProblemIcon = DirectorStyles.GetBackgroundImage(DirectorStyles.Instance.warning); } static GUIContent s_ArmForRecordContentOn; static GUIContent s_ArmForRecordContentOff; static GUIContent s_ArmForRecordDisabled; bool m_InlineCurvesSkipped; int m_TrackHash = -1; int m_BlendHash = -1; int m_LastDirtyIndex = -1; readonly InfiniteTrackDrawer m_InfiniteTrackDrawer; TrackItemsDrawer m_ItemsDrawer; TrackDrawData m_TrackDrawData; TrackDrawOptions m_TrackDrawOptions; readonly TrackEditor m_TrackEditor; readonly GUIContent m_DefaultTrackIcon; public override bool expandable { get { return hasChildren; } } internal InlineCurveEditor inlineCurveEditor { get; set; } public ClipCurveEditor clipCurveEditor { get; private set; } public bool inlineCurvesSelected { get { return SelectionManager.IsCurveEditorFocused(this); } set { if (!value && SelectionManager.IsCurveEditorFocused(this)) SelectionManager.SelectInlineCurveEditor(null); else SelectionManager.SelectInlineCurveEditor(this); } } bool IClipCurveEditorOwner.showLoops { get { return false; } } TrackAsset IClipCurveEditorOwner.owner { get { return track; } } static bool DoesTrackAllowsRecording(TrackAsset track) { // if the root animation track is in auto mode, recording is not allowed var animTrack = TimelineUtility.GetSceneReferenceTrack(track) as AnimationTrack; if (animTrack != null) return animTrack.trackOffset != TrackOffset.Auto; return false; } bool? m_TrackHasAnimatableParameters; bool trackHasAnimatableParameters { get { // cache this value to avoid the recomputation if (!m_TrackHasAnimatableParameters.HasValue) m_TrackHasAnimatableParameters = track.HasAnyAnimatableParameters() || track.clips.Any(c => c.HasAnyAnimatableParameters()); return m_TrackHasAnimatableParameters.Value; } } public bool locked { get { return track.lockedInHierarchy; } } public bool showMarkers { get { return track.GetShowMarkers(); } } public bool muted { get { return track.muted; } } public List clips { get { return m_ItemsDrawer.clips == null ? new List(0) : m_ItemsDrawer.clips.ToList(); } } TrackAsset IRowGUI.asset { get { return track; } } bool showTrackRecordingDisabled { get { // if the root animation track is in auto mode, recording is not allowed var animTrack = TimelineUtility.GetSceneReferenceTrack(track) as AnimationTrack; return animTrack != null && animTrack.trackOffset == TrackOffset.Auto; } } public TimelineTrackGUI(TreeViewController tv, TimelineTreeViewGUI w, int id, int depth, TreeViewItem parent, string displayName, TrackAsset sequenceActor) : base(tv, w, id, depth, parent, displayName, sequenceActor, false) { AnimationTrack animationTrack = sequenceActor as AnimationTrack; if (animationTrack != null) m_InfiniteTrackDrawer = new InfiniteTrackDrawer(new AnimationTrackKeyDataSource(animationTrack)); else if (sequenceActor.HasAnyAnimatableParameters() && !sequenceActor.clips.Any()) m_InfiniteTrackDrawer = new InfiniteTrackDrawer(new TrackPropertyCurvesDataSource(sequenceActor)); UpdateInfiniteClipEditor(w.TimelineWindow); var bindings = track.outputs.ToArray(); m_TrackDrawData.m_HasBinding = bindings.Length > 0; if (m_TrackDrawData.m_HasBinding) m_TrackDrawData.m_Binding = bindings[0]; m_TrackDrawData.m_IsSubTrack = IsSubTrack(); m_TrackDrawData.m_AllowsRecording = DoesTrackAllowsRecording(sequenceActor); m_DefaultTrackIcon = TrackResourceCache.GetTrackIcon(track); m_TrackEditor = CustomTimelineEditorCache.GetTrackEditor(sequenceActor); try { m_TrackDrawOptions = m_TrackEditor.GetTrackOptions(track, null); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); m_TrackDrawOptions = CustomTimelineEditorCache.GetDefaultTrackEditor().GetTrackOptions(track, null); } m_TrackDrawOptions.errorText = null; // explicitly setting to null for an uninitialized state } public override float GetVerticalSpacingBetweenTracks() { if (track != null && track.isSubTrack) return 1.0f; // subtracks have less of a gap than tracks return base.GetVerticalSpacingBetweenTracks(); } void UpdateInfiniteClipEditor(TimelineWindow window) { if (clipCurveEditor != null || track == null || !track.ShouldShowInfiniteClipEditor()) return; var dataSource = CurveDataSource.Create(this); clipCurveEditor = new ClipCurveEditor(dataSource, window, track); } void DetectTrackChanged() { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { // incremented when a track or it's clips changed if (m_LastDirtyIndex != track.DirtyIndex) { try { m_TrackEditor.OnTrackChanged(track); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } m_LastDirtyIndex = track.DirtyIndex; } OnTrackChanged(); } } // Called when the source track data, including it's clips have changed has changed. void OnTrackChanged() { // recompute blends if necessary int newBlendHash = BlendHash(); if (m_BlendHash != newBlendHash) { UpdateClipOverlaps(); m_BlendHash = newBlendHash; } RebuildGUICacheIfNecessary(); } void UpdateDrawData(WindowState state) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { m_TrackDrawData.m_ShowTrackBindings = false; m_TrackDrawData.m_TrackBinding = null; if (state.editSequence.director != null && showSceneReference) { m_TrackDrawData.m_ShowTrackBindings = state.GetWindow().currentMode.ShouldShowTrackBindings(state); m_TrackDrawData.m_TrackBinding = state.editSequence.director.GetGenericBinding(track); } var lastError = m_TrackDrawOptions.errorText; var lastHeight = m_TrackDrawOptions.minimumHeight; try { m_TrackDrawOptions = m_TrackEditor.GetTrackOptions(track, m_TrackDrawData.m_TrackBinding); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); m_TrackDrawOptions = CustomTimelineEditorCache.GetDefaultTrackEditor().GetTrackOptions(track, m_TrackDrawData.m_TrackBinding); } m_TrackDrawData.m_AllowsRecording = DoesTrackAllowsRecording(track); m_TrackDrawData.m_TrackIcon = m_TrackDrawOptions.icon; if (m_TrackDrawData.m_TrackIcon == null) m_TrackDrawData.m_TrackIcon = m_DefaultTrackIcon.image; // track height has changed. need to update gui if (!Mathf.Approximately(lastHeight, m_TrackDrawOptions.minimumHeight)) state.Refresh(); } } public override void Draw(Rect headerRect, Rect contentRect, WindowState state) { DetectTrackChanged(); UpdateDrawData(state); UpdateInfiniteClipEditor(state.GetWindow()); var trackHeaderRect = headerRect; var trackContentRect = contentRect; float inlineCurveHeight = contentRect.height - GetTrackContentHeight(state); bool hasInlineCurve = inlineCurveHeight > 0.0f; if (hasInlineCurve) { trackHeaderRect.height -= inlineCurveHeight; trackContentRect.height -= inlineCurveHeight; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { m_TreeViewRect = trackContentRect; } if (s_ArmForRecordContentOn == null) s_ArmForRecordContentOn = new GUIContent(DirectorStyles.GetBackgroundImage(DirectorStyles.Instance.autoKey,; if (s_ArmForRecordContentOff == null) s_ArmForRecordContentOff = new GUIContent(DirectorStyles.GetBackgroundImage(DirectorStyles.Instance.autoKey)); if (s_ArmForRecordDisabled == null) s_ArmForRecordDisabled = new GUIContent(DirectorStyles.GetBackgroundImage(DirectorStyles.Instance.autoKey), Styles.kArmForRecordDisabled); track.SetCollapsed(!isExpanded); RebuildGUICacheIfNecessary(); // Prevents from drawing outside of bounds, but does not effect layout or markers bool isOwnerDrawSucceed = false; Vector2 visibleTime = state.timeAreaShownRange; if (drawer != null) isOwnerDrawSucceed = drawer.DrawTrack(trackContentRect, track, visibleTime, state); if (!isOwnerDrawSucceed) { using (new GUIViewportScope(trackContentRect)) DrawBackground(trackContentRect, track, visibleTime, state); if (m_InfiniteTrackDrawer != null) m_InfiniteTrackDrawer.DrawTrack(trackContentRect, track, visibleTime, state); // draw after user customization so overlay text shows up using (new GUIViewportScope(trackContentRect)) m_ItemsDrawer.Draw(trackContentRect, state); } DrawTrackHeader(trackHeaderRect, state); if (hasInlineCurve) { var curvesHeaderRect = headerRect; curvesHeaderRect.yMin = trackHeaderRect.yMax; var curvesContentRect = contentRect; curvesContentRect.yMin = trackContentRect.yMax; DrawInlineCurves(curvesHeaderRect, curvesContentRect, state); } DrawTrackColorKind(headerRect); DrawTrackState(contentRect, contentRect, track); } void DrawInlineCurves(Rect curvesHeaderRect, Rect curvesContentRect, WindowState state) { if (!track.GetShowInlineCurves()) return; // Inline curves are not within the editor window -- case 952571 if (!IsInlineCurvesEditorInBounds(ToWindowSpace(curvesHeaderRect), curvesContentRect.height, state)) { m_InlineCurvesSkipped = true; return; } // If inline curves were skipped during the last event; we want to avoid rendering them until // the next Layout event. Otherwise, we still get the RTE prevented above when the user resizes // the timeline window very fast. -- case 952571 if (m_InlineCurvesSkipped && Event.current.type != EventType.Layout) return; m_InlineCurvesSkipped = false; if (inlineCurveEditor == null) inlineCurveEditor = new InlineCurveEditor(this); curvesHeaderRect.x += DirectorStyles.kBaseIndent; curvesHeaderRect.width -= DirectorStyles.kBaseIndent; inlineCurveEditor.Draw(curvesHeaderRect, curvesContentRect, state); } static bool IsInlineCurvesEditorInBounds(Rect windowSpaceTrackRect, float inlineCurveHeight, WindowState state) { var legalHeight = state.windowHeight; var trackTop = windowSpaceTrackRect.y; var inlineCurveOffset = windowSpaceTrackRect.height - inlineCurveHeight; return legalHeight - trackTop - inlineCurveOffset > 0; } void DrawErrorIcon(Rect position, WindowState state) { Rect bindingLabel = position; bindingLabel.x = position.xMax + 3; bindingLabel.width = state.bindingAreaWidth; EditorGUI.LabelField(position, m_ProblemIcon); } void DrawBackground(Rect trackRect, TrackAsset trackAsset, Vector2 visibleTime, WindowState state) { bool canDrawRecordBackground = IsRecording(state); if (canDrawRecordBackground) { DrawRecordingTrackBackground(trackRect, trackAsset, visibleTime, state); } else { Color trackBackgroundColor; if (SelectionManager.Contains(track)) { trackBackgroundColor = state.IsEditingASubTimeline() ? DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorTrackSubSequenceBackgroundSelected : DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorTrackBackgroundSelected; } else { trackBackgroundColor = state.IsEditingASubTimeline() ? DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorTrackSubSequenceBackground : DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorTrackBackground; } EditorGUI.DrawRect(trackRect, trackBackgroundColor); } } float InlineCurveHeight() { return track.GetShowInlineCurves() && CanDrawInlineCurve() ? TimelineWindowViewPrefs.GetInlineCurveHeight(track) : 0.0f; } public override float GetHeight(WindowState state) { var height = GetTrackContentHeight(state); if (CanDrawInlineCurve()) height += InlineCurveHeight(); return height; } float GetTrackContentHeight(WindowState state) { float height = m_TrackDrawOptions.minimumHeight; if (height <= 0.0f) height = TrackEditor.DefaultTrackHeight; height = Mathf.Clamp(height, TrackEditor.MinimumTrackHeight, TrackEditor.MaximumTrackHeight); return height * state.trackScale; } static bool CanDrawIcon(GUIContent icon) { return icon != null && icon != GUIContent.none && icon.image != null; } bool showSceneReference { get { return track != null && m_TrackDrawData.m_HasBinding && !m_TrackDrawData.m_IsSubTrack && m_TrackDrawData.m_Binding.sourceObject != null && m_TrackDrawData.m_Binding.outputTargetType != null && typeof(Object).IsAssignableFrom(m_TrackDrawData.m_Binding.outputTargetType); } } void DrawTrackHeader(Rect trackHeaderRect, WindowState state) { using (new GUIViewportScope(trackHeaderRect)) { Rect rect = trackHeaderRect; DrawHeaderBackground(trackHeaderRect); rect.x += m_Styles.trackSwatchStyle.fixedWidth; const float buttonSize = WindowConstants.trackHeaderButtonSize; const float padding = WindowConstants.trackHeaderButtonPadding; var buttonRect = new Rect(trackHeaderRect.xMax - buttonSize - padding, rect.y + ((rect.height - buttonSize) / 2f), buttonSize, buttonSize); rect.x += DrawTrackIconKind(rect, state); DrawTrackBinding(rect, trackHeaderRect); if (track is GroupTrack) return; buttonRect.x -= Spaced(DrawTrackDropDownMenu(buttonRect)); buttonRect.x -= Spaced(DrawLockMarkersButton(buttonRect, state)); buttonRect.x -= Spaced(DrawInlineCurveButton(buttonRect, state)); buttonRect.x -= Spaced(DrawMuteButton(buttonRect, state)); buttonRect.x -= Spaced(DrawLockButton(buttonRect, state)); buttonRect.x -= Spaced(DrawRecordButton(buttonRect, state)); buttonRect.x -= Spaced(DrawCustomTrackButton(buttonRect, state)); } } void DrawHeaderBackground(Rect headerRect) { Color backgroundColor = SelectionManager.Contains(track) ? DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorSelection : DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorTrackHeaderBackground; var bgRect = headerRect; bgRect.x += m_Styles.trackSwatchStyle.fixedWidth; bgRect.width -= m_Styles.trackSwatchStyle.fixedWidth; EditorGUI.DrawRect(bgRect, backgroundColor); } void DrawTrackColorKind(Rect rect) { // subtracks don't draw the color, the parent does that. if (track != null && track.isSubTrack) return; if (rect.width <= 0) return; using (new GUIColorOverride(m_TrackDrawOptions.trackColor)) { rect.width = m_Styles.trackSwatchStyle.fixedWidth; GUI.Label(rect, GUIContent.none, m_Styles.trackSwatchStyle); } } float DrawTrackIconKind(Rect rect, WindowState state) { // no icons on subtracks if (track != null && track.isSubTrack) return 0.0f; rect.yMin += (rect.height - 16f) / 2f; rect.width = 16.0f; rect.height = 16.0f; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_TrackDrawOptions.errorText)) { m_ProblemIcon.image = Styles.kProblemIcon; m_ProblemIcon.tooltip = m_TrackDrawOptions.errorText; if (CanDrawIcon(m_ProblemIcon)) DrawErrorIcon(rect, state); } else { var content = GUIContent.Temp(m_TrackDrawData.m_TrackIcon, m_DefaultTrackIcon.tooltip); if (CanDrawIcon(content)) GUI.Box(rect, content, GUIStyle.none); } return rect.width; } void DrawTrackBinding(Rect rect, Rect headerRect) { if (m_TrackDrawData.m_ShowTrackBindings) { DoTrackBindingGUI(rect, headerRect); return; } var textStyle = m_Styles.trackHeaderFont; textStyle.normal.textColor = SelectionManager.Contains(track) ? Color.white : m_Styles.customSkin.colorTrackFont; string trackName =; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); // by default the size is just the width of the string (for selection purposes) rect.width = m_Styles.trackHeaderFont.CalcSize(new GUIContent(trackName)).x; // if we are editing, supply the entire width of the header if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == track.GetInstanceID()) rect.width = (headerRect.xMax - rect.xMin) - (5 * WindowConstants.trackHeaderButtonSize); trackName = EditorGUI.DelayedTextField(rect, GUIContent.none, track.GetInstanceID(),, textStyle); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { TimelineUndo.PushUndo(track, "Rename Track"); = trackName; } } float DrawTrackDropDownMenu(Rect rect) { rect.y += WindowConstants.trackOptionButtonVerticalPadding; if (GUI.Button(rect, GUIContent.none, m_Styles.trackOptions)) { // the drop down will apply to all selected tracks if (!SelectionManager.Contains(track)) { SelectionManager.Clear(); SelectionManager.Add(track); } SequencerContextMenu.ShowTrackContextMenu(SelectionManager.SelectedTracks().ToArray(), null); } return WindowConstants.trackHeaderButtonSize; } bool CanDrawInlineCurve() { // Note: A track with animatable parameters always has inline curves. return trackHasAnimatableParameters || TimelineUtility.TrackHasAnimationCurves(track); } float DrawInlineCurveButton(Rect rect, WindowState state) { if (!CanDrawInlineCurve()) { return 0.0f; } // Override enable state to display "Show Inline Curves" button in disabled state. bool prevEnabledState = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = true; var newValue = GUI.Toggle(rect, track.GetShowInlineCurves(), GUIContent.none, DirectorStyles.Instance.curves); GUI.enabled = prevEnabledState; if (newValue != track.GetShowInlineCurves()) { track.SetShowInlineCurves(newValue); state.GetWindow().treeView.CalculateRowRects(); } return WindowConstants.trackHeaderButtonSize; } float DrawRecordButton(Rect rect, WindowState state) { if (m_TrackDrawData.m_AllowsRecording) { bool isPlayerDisabled = state.editSequence.director != null && !state.editSequence.director.isActiveAndEnabled; GameObject goBinding = m_TrackDrawData.m_TrackBinding as GameObject; if (goBinding == null) { Component c = m_TrackDrawData.m_TrackBinding as Component; if (c != null) goBinding = c.gameObject; } bool isTrackBindingValid = goBinding != null; bool trackErrorDisableButton = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_TrackDrawOptions.errorText) && isTrackBindingValid && goBinding.activeInHierarchy; bool disableButton = track.lockedInHierarchy || isPlayerDisabled || trackErrorDisableButton || !isTrackBindingValid; using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(disableButton)) { if (IsRecording(state)) { state.editorWindow.Repaint(); float remainder = Time.realtimeSinceStartup % 1; var animatedContent = s_ArmForRecordContentOn; if (remainder < 0.22f) { animatedContent = GUIContent.none; } if (GUI.Button(rect, animatedContent, GUIStyle.none) || isPlayerDisabled || !isTrackBindingValid) { state.UnarmForRecord(track); } } else { if (GUI.Button(rect, s_ArmForRecordContentOff, GUIStyle.none)) { state.ArmForRecord(track); } } return WindowConstants.trackHeaderButtonSize; } } if (showTrackRecordingDisabled) { using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true)) GUI.Button(rect, s_ArmForRecordDisabled, GUIStyle.none); return k_ButtonSize; } return 0.0f; } float DrawCustomTrackButton(Rect rect, WindowState state) { if (drawer.DrawTrackHeaderButton(rect, track, state)) { return WindowConstants.trackHeaderButtonSize; } return 0.0f; } float DrawLockMarkersButton(Rect rect, WindowState state) { if (track.GetMarkerCount() == 0) return 0.0f; var markersShown = showMarkers; var style = TimelineWindow.styles.collapseMarkers; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) style.Draw(rect, GUIContent.none, false, false, markersShown, false); // Override enable state to display "Show Marker" button in disabled state. bool prevEnabledState = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = true; if (GUI.Button(rect, DirectorStyles.markerCollapseButton, GUIStyle.none)) { state.GetWindow().SetShowTrackMarkers(track, !markersShown); } GUI.enabled = prevEnabledState; return WindowConstants.trackHeaderButtonSize; } static void ObjectBindingField(Rect position, Object obj, PlayableBinding binding) { bool allowScene = typeof(GameObject).IsAssignableFrom(binding.outputTargetType) || typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(binding.outputTargetType); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); // FocusType.Passive so it never gets focused when pressing tab int controlId = GUIUtility.GetControlID("s_ObjectFieldHash".GetHashCode(), FocusType.Passive, position); var newObject = EditorGUI.DoObjectField(EditorGUI.IndentedRect(position), EditorGUI.IndentedRect(position), controlId, obj, binding.outputTargetType, null, null, allowScene, EditorStyles.objectField); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { BindingUtility.Bind(TimelineEditor.inspectedDirector, binding.sourceObject as TrackAsset, newObject); } } void DoTrackBindingGUI(Rect rect, Rect headerRect) { var bindingRect = new Rect( rect.xMin, rect.y + (rect.height - WindowConstants.trackHeaderButtonSize) / 2f, headerRect.xMax - WindowConstants.trackHeaderMaxButtonsWidth - rect.xMin, WindowConstants.trackHeaderButtonSize); if (bindingRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && TimelineDragging.IsDraggingEvent() && DragAndDrop.objectReferences.Length == 1) { TimelineDragging.HandleBindingDragAndDrop(track, BindingUtility.GetRequiredBindingType(m_TrackDrawData.m_Binding)); Event.current.Use(); } else { if (m_TrackDrawData.m_Binding.outputTargetType != null && typeof(Object).IsAssignableFrom(m_TrackDrawData.m_Binding.outputTargetType)) { ObjectBindingField(bindingRect, m_TrackDrawData.m_TrackBinding, m_TrackDrawData.m_Binding); } } } bool IsRecording(WindowState state) { return state.recording && state.IsArmedForRecord(track); } // background to draw during recording void DrawRecordingTrackBackground(Rect trackRect, TrackAsset trackAsset, Vector2 visibleTime, WindowState state) { if (drawer != null) drawer.DrawRecordingBackground(trackRect, trackAsset, visibleTime, state); } void UpdateClipOverlaps() { TrackExtensions.ComputeBlendsFromOverlaps(track.clips); } internal void RebuildGUICacheIfNecessary() { if (m_TrackHash == track.Hash()) return; m_ItemsDrawer = new TrackItemsDrawer(this); m_TrackHash = track.Hash(); } int BlendHash() { var hash = 0; foreach (var clip in track.clips) { hash = HashUtility.CombineHash(hash, (clip.duration - clip.start).GetHashCode(), ((int)clip.blendInCurveMode).GetHashCode(), ((int)clip.blendOutCurveMode).GetHashCode()); } return hash; } // callback when the corresponding graph is rebuilt. This can happen, but not have the GUI rebuilt. public override void OnGraphRebuilt() { RefreshCurveEditor(); } void RefreshCurveEditor() { var window = TimelineWindow.instance; if (track != null && window != null && window.state != null) { bool hasEditor = clipCurveEditor != null; bool shouldHaveEditor = track.ShouldShowInfiniteClipEditor(); if (hasEditor != shouldHaveEditor) window.state.AddEndFrameDelegate((x, currentEvent) => { x.Refresh(); return true; }); } } } }